Wednesday, 8 February 2012

At last

I had a last minute session on the local today. Thankfully the training course I'd been on since Friday allowed me an early finish, so I was home and on the river for 3pm....

 my first session for ages and ages (well, two weeks or so). After trying one swim without any success, I moved downstream and started feeding mash regularly. First twitch came at 4pm, missed, as were several others until 4.20pm when a 12oz'er came kicking into the net.

Thereafter it was a bite a chuck with several bites missed and 5 more fish hitting the net, all on cheesepaste that had been festering for weeks, best fish was a chunky stub nosed 2.15.

A stunning day to be out, snow on the ground, temps stayed just above freezing and a lovely mist came down at 4.30pm which really gave the afternoon real atmosphere. Most of the fish were relatively small between 1 and 2lb, but six fish in a few hours was just what was needed, I called it a day at 6pm.

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