Saturday, 24 December 2011

Chub, chub and more chub.

With the weather quite bright and relatively warm I arrived on the car park about 2.20pm. I took the bare minimum tackle wise, and went to one end of a line of trees, my intention being to bounce downstream from one swim to the next giving each swim 30 minutes or so.

Swim one gave me a 2lb chub after about 20 minutes to link legered cheesepaste, a good start but the next 2 swims gave me precisely nowt. Swim 4 gave me another chub, a good looking clean fish which I weighed at 3lb exactly. Swim 5 gave me yet another at 2+ again on cheesepaste.

As the light drew in I settled in an armchair swim for my final and fished mid river away from any trees hoping the dark would mean the fish moving away from the snaggy areas. I threw in several handfuls of mashed bread to help with the process of drawing them to me and had bites straight away with a further 4 chub falling to cheese paste. Two of those fish were less than a pound, one was probably 2 but the last one was a decent fish for the river at 3lb 10oz. I called it a day at 5pm, having had probably 13lb of chub in 2 and a half hours from several different swims.

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