Saturday, 31 December 2011

55 minutes on the Weaver and a final chub of the year.

Mrs C arrives in from shopping at 1520, I give it the 'puppy dog eyes look' and ask if she minds if I have, literally, an hour on the river? The final part of her sentence is being spoken to the back of my head as I'm half way down the hall before she finishes!
Final fish of the year!

My gear, still soaked from the previous day was in a poor state, so with time very much of the essence I chose to have a bit of time trotting with the 'pin as the rod was still set up from the Dove.

Rod, reel, net, waistcoat (still drenched) bucket of mashed bread and some bread slices in the car and I was away.

Arrive at the river approx 15.35 a bit too coloured for my liking but beggars can't be choosers. I picked a swim in an area known to me as 'no perch alley' (I can't catch a perch here to save my life) the river is a little narrower and faster here, the flow was just strong enough to allow the pin to do it's work.

I feed mash from the off and fished flake on a 12, and after about a dozen runs the float buries, fish on... for 2 seconds, fish off, b&(*&&* .....gutted.

The light is now closing, more to do with the cloud and it's raining, again. I don't think my gear can get any more wet however I don't care as the float is going down a treat, constant feeding gets something interested as a few chucks later I'm in again.

A lovely scrap, and a fish of maybe a pound and three quarters is in the pan. I fished on 'til I couldn't see the float, which was something like 16.30 then called it a day.

Home by 1645 give or take and I've hardly been missed.

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