Saturday, 24 December 2011

Local PB

I'd been yabbering on to Hannibal about a Kev Baines specialist rod I'd had built for myself as a wedding present...
Weaver PB
I was wondering what the bite indication was like off the rod tip, as the rod isn't a traditional quiver, it's.... well it's.... different, but a quiver it isn't. Anyway, I rigged it up with the 'pin, 4lb straight through and set about finding out. 

I arrived at the river at 1030-ish to find it up a little and running with a fair bit of colour, and pace, for once. Lots of snow had melted and it was pouring down (it never stopped all day) air temp was 2 degrees celsius. 

A a few casts on legered breadflake brought nowt but then first cast on the cheesepaste, I get a nice big drop back, clunk, fish on. After leading me a merry dance I was 'made up' to net a really decent chub, which weighed 4lb 9oz and is only my second ever '4' from this river and a river PB. It felt quite empty and hollow round the gut so possible potential for growth there. My last '4' from the river came 3 years ago almost to the day!

I accosted a passer by who agreed to take a quick snap whilst wrestling with a dog at the same time. 

I had to wait 2 hours or more for my next bite, it was probably 1410 when the tip went round, this annoyed me doubly, as (1) I just watched the tip dance and for some reason did nothing and (2) I was due to leave to go home at 14.15, change, and collect the kids from school. So one last cast turned into half an hour and I left the river at 14.50 and went straight to the school in my resplendent, fashionable, fishing atire. Thus meaning they probably will now both be getting beasted in the new year about their Dad dressing and smelling like a vagrant. 

Suffice to say no more bites came my way during the 30 minute 'last cast'. Had I used my normal quiver set up I am certain I would have had a few more fish, however I did learn something about a new-ish rod and it's limitations and got a bit of casting practice with the 'pin to boot. However the PB was without doubt very unexpected but nonetheless very welcome.

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