A result on the Dove....at last
I had more time than usual today so decided to head off to pastures distant!
4lb 7oz |
I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the River Dove! In terms of aesthetics it's the Avon of the north in my book, and is a stunning setting, but on the other hand, man, I've had some serious blanks there!
Today I arrived to find some snow still present in shaded areas and the shallow areas showed not a lot in terms of water colour. I started off in an area I'd caught chub a few years back (whilst barbel fishing) fed a bit of mash and had three quick casts varying the lead size to try to find an area that a fish might be hanging out! On literally my third cast the tip has flown round and I'm into a fish, however I've allowed the fish to gain some momentum and it's got up a head of steam and done me in a snag, the hook length and hook have both come back, hook pull! Gutted! I'm too used to catching 2lb splashers on the Weaver, a decent fish and some proper flow has caught me with my pants down, Chub 1 Cardo 0.
I then fed a bit of mash and moved to the next swim. Again, first cast, fish on! The fish has tore off like no chub I've ever had before. It went downstream under one tree then has done a total U turn, at which point I thought it had come free, then all of a sudden it's 10 metres upstream and under my feet, 2 lb. 15 oz. One all.
U Turn |
Next swim I'm in again, this is getting daft, three swims three bites, I've not had that many in my last three sessions here. A fairly straightforward scrap and a 4lb 7oz chub is in the pan. At this point I moved away slightly from the 'hot area' and had an hour on some relatively open water however this just didn't feel right and I decided to head back to the swim where I'd started and landed a scraper 3lb'er. Another move gave me a 3.11 and other than a 2 foot twitch late on that I missed, that was that, a fabulous day!
Snow. |
thats a big guppie